Monday, June 30, 2014

And did she see this coming?

A cheerless faced was passing out business cards for psychic readings as I passed the Porter Square subway station.  Her expression suggested that, if she was herself the medium, all portents would be bad.

I wondered on the walk home if a psychic's business runs counter-cyclical to the macroeconomy.  Everyone is searching for answers and hope in the bad times, and when the money starts coming in again, many are satisfied to have found what they're looking for and stop asking questions.

Or maybe these businesses are as affected by the the downturns as everyone else, and no longer have extra cash for such luxuries as divination.  But I can't imagine the same sympathy is offered.  Across the street from where she stood Cambridge's last 24-hour quasi-diner closed a few months ago, citing hard times.  Most agree it's a shame.  And the tea leaves also tell me that many of those same yuppies refusing to take the one of the psychic's business cards would like to have suggested that she consider a "real job".

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