Wednesday, May 31, 2006
The End
Secondly, I will probably stop doing this blog for a while. I’m pretty sure no one is reading it, and I haven’t had the time to write anything substantial. Rather, for the summer, I plan on keeping a log of my dreams.
We’ll see what dreams may come.
Tuesday, May 30, 2006
Arabic lesson of the day
Just an observation on changing trends in America. In case you were wondering, the gyro was delicious.
Monday, May 29, 2006
Sunday, May 28, 2006
Savior Is Born
Anyway, Shiloh will be 20 when I'm about 45, so I won't even be able to respectively make an un-perverted evaluation.
Saturday, May 27, 2006
Saskatoon: Steaks, Fish, and Wild Game
Right next to the mashed potatoes.
Friday, May 26, 2006
Gods and Basketball
The main difference between this and my past basketball experiences (which I think haven’t been since high school…yikes!) where that they were fun. I was somewhat non-competitive and people were giving me tips, etc., in stark contrast to, you know, how high school boys are. Then I was just a ticker to make teams official even, though practically speaking whichever I was on was effectively one short.
If I could send one message back to a younger version of myself (say elementary school) I would say “get good at basketball”. Well, maybe not that…but if it was a list that would be on there (I think I will make that list as a future entry). I don’t have NBA aspirations when I say that, not even high school JV….I just think, socially, the pecking order in middle/high school, unless things have changed since I was there, is very much determined how well you can handle a stupid ball and if you can easily put it between your legs and when you think about it that’s really stupid, but then most other aspects of high school socialization are. But I mean, jocks are always cool (yet often assholes), and that coolness translates into athleticism in non-organized play. It just turns out basketball is the soccer/football of America, it’s what the kids run to (it seems) when they want to do something physical. It there is one activity that continues to be one that I wish I was better at, it would be basketball. Fortunately, this time it was fun enough that I may just stick with it.
Thursday, May 25, 2006
typo: "e" not o!!!
"I really need some...sox?"
"No, I know it's supposed to be 'sex' could you make that mistake? 'o' and 'e' are not even near each other on the typewriter!"
So then I just kept going...
- I have dirty sox
- I used to take my sister's sox all the time
- My mom buys me all the sox I need
- I used to have lots of sox in high school, but not any more
Can you think of any others?
Wednesday, May 24, 2006
Pulling out random stuff just to keep this going...
{pst, I'm a guy!}
Tuesday, May 23, 2006
Random, and so much more (less)...
"Toys are like hot dogs you don't eat"
I don't know what to make of that.
Monday, May 22, 2006
Up yours, Brokaw
Sunday, May 21, 2006
Mike Wallace: Ageless
In an interview (of Wallace, not by him) a few years back that I recall watching, he was asked about his "secret". Wallace claimed his wife (or one of them, I understand there have been multiple) got him on a strict diet of just nuts, grains, and fish. Sigh, is that the price of longevity?
Saturday, May 20, 2006
It wasn't my first semester of all "A"s, if you count A\"A-"s, but it's my first semester of all straight "A"s. It was one one academic achievement that has been eluding me since high school. I'm glad I stuck with grad school so I can
Admittedly, since Georgia State doesn't do "+"s or "-"s, some of those "A"s could have been "A-"s, and so at any other school I might have something less than a 4.0. It's really uncertain if I can claim unambiguous victory. Still, at least on my paper, I earned a 4.0 this semester. When I told her my momma was proud of me.
Friday, May 19, 2006
John Gibson crossed the line
…[H]alf the kids under 5 years old in this country are minorities. By far, the greatest number are Hispanic. Know what that means? Twenty-five years and the majority population is Hispanic. Why is that? Hispanics are having more kids and others, notably the ones Hispanics call gabachos — white people — are having fewer.
On May 16th, I e-mailed in this:
RE: Clarification of Recent My Word
Your "clarification" of May 11th's "My Word" regarding Hispanic and non-Hispanic birth rates is unacceptable. You were able to "reclarify" only because your anti-Hispanic statements on May the 11th were subtle. You mention that you wanted non-Hispanics to catch up, yet your bigotry was apparent simply in noting that if the
catch-up did not occur we would be in a situation of a Hispanic majority,
which was clearly given negative connotations.
Sir, you have lost all of my respect.
On May 19, I then e-mailed this:
RE: Some People Purposely Misinterpret What I Say to Mount Vicious Attacks
I had already written you regarding your "Procreation Not Recreation" and figured the there was nothing more to be said but your continued attempts to reconstruct what you said are pathetic and warrant further complaints.
I don't read left-wing blogs. I didn't even know about the TIME magazine piece. However, I do watch Fox News and I saw what *you* said.
Apparently in your revisionism you are playing to Islamic/Arabic-fears. What you said in "Procreation...", was that Hispanics have relatively large birth rates. If your fears were over future Arabic dominance (although this is xenophobic in itself), why not quote Arabic immigration/birth statistics?
Rather, you offered a consequentialist argument: "have more babies or suffer a Hispanic majority". If (as you currently claim) that you welcome a "brown America" then why mention within-American-ethnicities' birthrate differentials? Is America's overall birthrate declining? There will still be babies, just relatively more Hispanic babies. Your later claims to turn this into prevention measure against Sharia Law is suspect. If you concern is American, please limit the evidence you offer to be drawn from the American experience, not Europe.
Your commentary was bitter...why even mention the slang term "gabachos"? Is that to drum up anger against Hispanics?
Sir, you have lost my viewership. I only learned of this recent commentary by browsing your website this morning. I cannot read your mind to know how you intended your original piece to sound, but the out-roar is certainly evidence that it came out poorly. It is unfortunate that you view yourself as victim. While you properly offered an "apology", please realize that your words came bigoted, no editing needed.
I may just write in some more. I didn't post his "My Words", but not only are the anti-Hispanic tones bad but its worse that he's changing his story to be anti-Muslim, both because its anti-Muslim and because he's changing his story.
Thursday, May 18, 2006
No Hablo CastellaƱo
A better story a priest once told me. The verb “to look for” and the verb “f_ck” are similar in polish and some other language. This has comic implications. For example, there was a nun going around saying “I’m looking for a priest”. Well, she wasn’t quite saying that. Even His Holiness wasn’t above it…once, giving an address, John Paul II meant to say “Look for the truth!” Apparently all the Dominican brothers this priest was with that were in the know just kind of put there head in their hands when that came out.
Wednesday, May 17, 2006
The day I fought back
All day I wondered why my no one was calling. I figured my girlfriend just must be mad at me. It wasn’t until I got home that I realized that my cell phone was actually shut off by sprint. Logging on to my account, I saw that I owed $221, plus change. This morning I had tried to change plans, and figured there was some kind of glitch in the system. The first customer care representative I talked to told me although he couldn’t generate a break down of the charge, he would transfer me to someone who could, and further more that it was likely a glitch in the switching of the plans.
The lady I was transferred to told me that I had $150 worth of internet service charges, from browsing, or something like that. I told her that was absurd; I didn’t even know how to log on. She said she could tell me exactly when I was online, which included days like my birthday, where I know I had read text messaging. Could I have hit a wrong button? Was my phone in the wrong mode or something? I was pretty sure my cable company suckered me out of $113 last year so I’m not, and certainly can no longer afford to, going to go with out a fight. I offered that in four years of service I had never, ever used the internet, so something must be fishy. Still, she argued, and asked if anyone had used my phone, and I still thought it was a glitch, so I figured to end the conversation, and not pay just yet, because this needed to be challenged. I did have a little break-down, though, because this is $220 that I don’t have.
A second call revealed that in fact, it was a glitch, and simultaneously, that the second representative I spoke with was an idiot. What if I just gave up and paid? Part of me was ready to in my self-doubt. Yet, I didn’t. Today, I grew up a little. I underwent the hero’s journey and it can only give me more confidence in the future. I’ll go the distance, until I’m a stubborn, cranky old man, raising hell over any nickel that’s out of line.
Tuesday, May 16, 2006
On some philosophical level I’m against illegal immigration because it’s breaking the law, but that’s just the goody-goody in me talking. I really think the law needs to be changed, but I hesitate to sound off before I know more of the details which are probably important. Why aren’t these people being let it that they have to sneak across the border? How does current immigration compare to the gold Ellis Island days? Less? The same? No one wants criminals entering the country, but other than that, I am in favor of fully opening the borders to anyone who wants to enter.
I think at least some are adverse to Mexican immigration due to semi-racism (if you want to call it that) or fear of jobs being taken. They seriously need to get over the first, especially when none of them appear to be Native American to me. Regarding the second, everything I’ve learned in school tells me the economic gains to open borders (to trade and labor) are irrefutable.
From the recent protests I think we’re already seeing the dawn of a new Hispanic power bloc in the country. I think it’s great. My favor things about this country mainly come out of its migrant nation status. This particular affair with Hispanic immigration is so much like the Irish, Italian, or Asian countries’ immigration stories of the past. I’m not a historian, but it seems that the waves of Hispanics are even relatively larger than those of past immigrants. I think they are going to wield a significant portion of political power in the next century of this country, and I’m happy for them, given the discrimination they are currently facing. So, in fifty years, when they are frustrated with this crazy old man’s broken Spanish, I hope they remember I was on their side way back when.
Monday, May 15, 2006
Southern Hospitality
Well, maybe “non-friendly” isn’t the word. The way I see, people in Atlanta from what I see are much more conversationable. That is, they’re more likely to strike up a talk with total strangers. In New York, I always felt that people were generally friendly. If you needed assistance, they would help you. However, otherwise, people pretty much kept to themselves. There was always this “ice” up between strangers and no one ever wanted to break it. Maybe there are more weirdos up there, or at least the perception that there are. Would New York be a nicer place if everyone treated strangers as friends? It would certainly seem friendlier. Or, is it better to keep one’s guard up for the sake of protection?
It Atlanta, there is much less ice. Not only because by August it will be 95 every day.
Sunday, May 14, 2006
Mice have mothers, too
The optimist in me thinks having lived in the subway tunnels, they know when to get out of the way, and what’s coming. They certainly look scared as the trains approach. At the least I would assume it would hurt them with there big sensitive ears, as a six car train comes to a screeching stop overhead. I do really hope they’re ok. They’re just around looking for a bite to eat, not spreading Bubonic Plague or anything like that. Today is Mother’s Day. Even mice/rats have mothers…or maybe they’re mothers themselves.
Saturday, May 13, 2006
Happy Birthday!
Becka Bratt of "The Sopornos 5"
Sunny Leone of "Alabama Jones and the Busty Crusade"
Daria Glower of "European Mail Order Brides 3"
I haven't seen any of their work (so much they've apparently accomplished with the same time on this earth), but anyway, uh, happy birthday, girls!
Friday, May 12, 2006
I'm not the only one...
From a guy's perspective, I've all along felt the same way.
Thursday, May 11, 2006
Life could have been burritoful
I was flipping through the channels last night, and on some news show there was saying the CMG was a hot stock...ok, maybe my one $40ish dollar stock would be worth about $65 now, and that wouldn't quite make me rich, but it's certainly better than the bank, and if I was more richer-er I would have bought more stock and in just five months would have been riding that silver-wrapped burrito to Easy Street.
Instead, I am just a poor boy, and even eating out a Chipotle is a luxury for me. Sigh.
Wednesday, May 10, 2006
OK, that thing had to come out. Comparing the half I found in my bed with the full one I saw about half was still in there. I pulled out some tweezers and thought if I could get a hold of what was in there. After some effort, all I realized I was doing was further shredding what was in there, effectively pushing the “graspable” end back further into my ear canal.
All this mind you, was about 7am, and I was a little cranky about being up not to mind being half deaf. Could I live like this? In my frustration I contemplated it…give it a day, and see if it wasn’t bearable. I laid on the bed with my plugged ear facing down and, since gravity alone wasn’t helping, shook my head violently. All that did was give me a headache.
I thought about taking a shower in the hope of disintegrating the foam earplug, but I saw the potential pitfall of a soggy mass still lodging in my ear and now contributing to a case of pneumonia or at the least mold growing in my ear. Neither would be pleasant.
My girlfriend’s father is a surgeon involved with ears…he told me in the past every once in a while cockroaches crawl into people’s ears and become stuck. It was for certain true that I could have much worse things stuck in my ear.
I’m sure if I asked for advice my girlfriend would yell at me to go for medical attention. The problem with is that I don’t have medical insurance…but I do have a paper clip! (I had given up on the tweezers). Balancing a (reflective) mixing bowl on my shoulder, I tried to navigate into my canal, although that was impossible, because it wasn’t that the image I saw was the reverse but much more complicated because I was looking in the mirror’s reflection of the curved mixing bowl’s reflection. I knew then I would have to feel my way in. Keeping in mind was my 9th grade science teacher told me (“there’s no pain like popping your eardrum”) I proceeded carefully. Ohhh, I learned both how sensitive your ear canal is and how sharp a paperclip can be.
I remember when I first started to feel it come out…I was filled with a sense of hope. I took it slow; I didn’t want to get overly excited and botch this. Finally, it came out and I heard it the world in stereo again. All that excitement and it was just 7:15am.
Tuesday, May 09, 2006
The apples I ate did nothing
It’s funny how we would rather choose to live in an ignorant, yet harmful bliss.
Long story short: no cavities! I have titanium tooth enamel. My girlfriend sounded surprised when I told her.
I spent over two hours there. The panoramic X-ray machine was program and so instead I took make little x-ray pictures. #1 the assistant kept jabbing the tooth separator farther back than it should have gone, and she was about two centimeters away from me projectile vomiting my shredded wheat all over her. This was a jagged metal thing she was shoving in, and I’m pretty sure she improvised because I doubt this thing was designed to go in someone’s mouth. #2, she kept taking blurry photos so we had to redo a bunch…I took way too many X-rays to the head and I think I’m suffering some dain bramage.
My mouth is in utter pain now, because after all that the hygienist I went to is a lady who I’m pretty sure moonlights as a bouncer down in seedier areas of the city. Apparently I’ve been flossing wrong, the correct way to do it is put all of your body weight into the downstroke and try your best to saw into your gums.
The biggest pain of all was in my stomach when I went to pay…I am one of the millions of Americans without dental insurance, and this little escapade set me back $200+.
Monday, May 08, 2006
Back for the very first time...
Anyway, let me catch you up on what has happened since August, 2004:
- So, I did end up going to New York. I graduated from Columbia May 2005 (wtf?) and decieded to continue my studies to the Ph.D level (2x wtf??) so I moved down to Atlanta, GA (3x wtf?!?!?!) where am going to school now. Actually, I just finished finals of my 2nd semester last week. (omg!!!)
- I thought I was broke when I worked for the government, but now I see that I was as rich as Minos. Being a graduate student is a whole other plane of poverty.
- That’s not true. By virtue of the fact that I’m an American, I’m richer than most of the world. I’m not bragging, I’m living with a guilt of being (relatively) spoiled rotten.
- President Bush got reelected. A Yale economics Professor, Ray Fair, told me he would six weeks before the election, based on the results from his econometric model. Sometime in early 2006 the Vice President shot a 78-year old man in the face with a shotgun.
- Pope John Paul II died in 2005, and we got a new pope, Benedict XVI, a German who at one point was in the Hitler youth movement (like the rest of the country). I’m surprised the anti-Catholics haven’t played on that more, but I guess they have more sense.
- OK, so there’s this thing called an iPod now. It’s basically a portable mp3 player, except they’re everywhere. Like a cell phone, I never would have thought I needed one, but now it is an indispensable part of my life. The iPod Nano I got was in the $200 range, and so of course the only reason I have it is because it was a gift from the brothers. Also, cameras on cell phones are almost (I wanted to say “always”) a standard feature now. Who thought to put those two together? Still, I always keep mine on hand in case there’s an assassination that occurs, and I’m the one person who steps forward with my camera-phone evidence to clear the senator’s son.
- In 2004 a huge tsunami hit most points of the Indian Ocean, something over 100,000 died, mostly in Indonesia. In 2005, a hurricane (Katrina) put some parts of New Orleans under twenty feet of water!
- There still isn’t peace in the Middle East.
- Britney Spears had a baby with her sleaze-ball husband K-Fed with one on the way. Tom Cruise knocked up Joey from Dawson’s Creek, and they just had one. A good film about gay coybows got the shaft the most recent Academy Awards.
- The Red Socks finally won a World Series….so much for the curse.
- In the latest Harry Potter book, Dumbledore was killed by Snape. As far as I'm concerned, Dumbledore has been dead since Richard Harris passed. Sign. I'm guessing the literary Dumbledore comes back as a zombie.
Um, a lot of other stuff happened, but I probably should just direct you to better sources…