…[H]alf the kids under 5 years old in this country are minorities. By far, the greatest number are Hispanic. Know what that means? Twenty-five years and the majority population is Hispanic. Why is that? Hispanics are having more kids and others, notably the ones Hispanics call gabachos — white people — are having fewer.
On May 16th, I e-mailed in this:
RE: Clarification of Recent My Word
Your "clarification" of May 11th's "My Word" regarding Hispanic and non-Hispanic birth rates is unacceptable. You were able to "reclarify" only because your anti-Hispanic statements on May the 11th were subtle. You mention that you wanted non-Hispanics to catch up, yet your bigotry was apparent simply in noting that if the
catch-up did not occur we would be in a situation of a Hispanic majority,
which was clearly given negative connotations.
Sir, you have lost all of my respect.
On May 19, I then e-mailed this:
RE: Some People Purposely Misinterpret What I Say to Mount Vicious Attacks
I had already written you regarding your "Procreation Not Recreation" and figured the there was nothing more to be said but your continued attempts to reconstruct what you said are pathetic and warrant further complaints.
I don't read left-wing blogs. I didn't even know about the TIME magazine piece. However, I do watch Fox News and I saw what *you* said.
Apparently in your revisionism you are playing to Islamic/Arabic-fears. What you said in "Procreation...", was that Hispanics have relatively large birth rates. If your fears were over future Arabic dominance (although this is xenophobic in itself), why not quote Arabic immigration/birth statistics?
Rather, you offered a consequentialist argument: "have more babies or suffer a Hispanic majority". If (as you currently claim) that you welcome a "brown America" then why mention within-American-ethnicities' birthrate differentials? Is America's overall birthrate declining? There will still be babies, just relatively more Hispanic babies. Your later claims to turn this into prevention measure against Sharia Law is suspect. If you concern is American, please limit the evidence you offer to be drawn from the American experience, not Europe.
Your commentary was bitter...why even mention the slang term "gabachos"? Is that to drum up anger against Hispanics?
Sir, you have lost my viewership. I only learned of this recent commentary by browsing your website this morning. I cannot read your mind to know how you intended your original piece to sound, but the out-roar is certainly evidence that it came out poorly. It is unfortunate that you view yourself as victim. While you properly offered an "apology", please realize that your words came bigoted, no editing needed.
I may just write in some more. I didn't post his "My Words", but not only are the anti-Hispanic tones bad but its worse that he's changing his story to be anti-Muslim, both because its anti-Muslim and because he's changing his story.
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