Tuesday, June 12, 2007

Coming out Ahead

Often at J Street's (the primary GWU student cafeteria) checkout lines a worker would incorrectly charge me such that my order would be slightly more expensive than what I actually bought. I always let it go, because (#1), a dollar or so was never worth the hassle of having the clueless register worker having to get the manager to take the incorrect order off the machine while snobby GW students gave dirty looks to the cheap bastard at the front of the line making them late for communications class....but even more than that, (#2) for every time a worker made an error where I was worse off there were at least two times when a worker screwed up in my favor. I never complained because I knew I was still coming out ahead.

It's funny that random error would favor me; I'm not that lucky of a guy. My long run win streak was likely in part due to unskilled but sympathetic workers erring on my side. Usually register workers are nice people, we give the benefit of the. I know because I spent many an hour working a register. Contrary to popular old-lady belief, we are not out to screw you: it's not like we get a commission on every nickel we "cheat" you out of. I always believed the customer and put things through at lower prices even if it didn't ring up that way (unless they were being a jerk to me)...what do I care? And Stew Leonard can afford it, anyway (that whole family are tax cheating bastards, by the way).

Currently, I am still receiving the full cable lineup although I canceled my service over a month ago. I am not paying for it. I know now I am not paying for it because I've received a bill in the interim that isn't charging me for cable. But I am still watching cable. I was watching cable on my television right before I sat down to write this. I have even called the cable company and told them, because before I got the new low bill I was worried I was still being charged for cable. The lady on the phone told me her computer was showing it was canceled a week ago, but "I'm looking at it right now!" I told her. So, we kind of gave each other a verbal "oh well" after that and hung up.

Ah, the grossly inefficient cable monopoly and its disinterested employees are finally screwing up in my favor.

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