Sunday, June 24, 2007

Date Night: Round II

I somehow managed to fool the girl from Thursday's date, she wants to actually see me again - tonight. So, we're going to have round two. OK, I at least haven't screwed it up yet, and so far I'm thinking this is something I might not want to screw up. It's funny; I walked away thinking I had blown it ("she's just not that into me"), but fortunately I was just reading the vibes wrong, she called me later and basically let me know I'm still in the game.

I think the plan tonight is to see a movie. Now, I hate going to the movies on dates when you're actually trying to first meet the person. Sitting alone in the dark silently looking at the screen is not conducive to learning more about somebody. Also, we're going to see "Knocked Up", which I hear is good and really funny but a but may be awwwwwwkward!

I'll probably blow $20 tonight, with dinner and the tickets. This is with $15 on Thursday. OK, ok...gotta get out the first few times. What I would want more than anything is to just cook us dinner and chill at home. Cheap, and big on talking. It's the ideal night...except if you invite someone you just met over to your place you sorta come across as sleazy. But I'm in that mindset, too - if a girl accepted my offer to come over, I'd sorta think she was sleazy.

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