Does acupuncture work? How does acupuncture work? Could it be like sensory overload? Could it be like eating really spicy food, that to compensate for pain your body unloads endorphines? We call that The Indian Food High.
The numb feeling that occurs when blood circulation stops in a body part - what we call "pins and needles" in Brazil they call "ants crawling". Which would be worse? Poked with a thousand needles, or be covered in ants?
At what density could pins be lined together so that a person could walk over them without being punctured?
The booby trap in Home Alone where Marv steps on a nail is one of the more painful (It goes in so deep!). The worst is when Harry touches the heated doorknob and burns an "M" into his hand.
At the doctors, I'd always preferred a shot in the arm to a finger prick for a blood sample. Much less pain.
Sharpness is relative to size. A needle sufficiently magnified would look like a plateau, yet it punctures. Perhaps it fits 'between' something in the skin?
There's always one last pin in a new dress shirt you just don't see.
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