Friday, May 21, 2004


Last night, I had a dream. A vision, really. In my vision, the word was revealed to me. That word, specifically, was "MARMAMN".

OK. Different halves of the brain control dreaming and reading. That's why what you see in a dream is generally gibberish. I do remember that word, and I wanted to find out if it was something...more meaningful. Don't some people dedicate their professional lives to deciphering dreams? I decided to make my own study.

John Lennon, I have heard, from a dream knew to form a band spelled beetles with an “a”....and that turned out pretty good for him. I was giddy this morning and the thought of the infinite joy and power that awaited me as soon as I unraveled the secret of "MARMAMN".

Using the most comprehensive tool at my availability (, I began my journey into the dark continent of MARMAMN. My trustworthy and faithful guide, Google, told me I was mistaken, and my query was, rather than MARMAMN, spelled MARMAM. Eureka! Salivating to know the splendor that was revealed in the spirit of the prophets of old, I scanned the search results.

MARMAM was an e-mail distribution listing for discussion of marine mammals.

Downer...or was it? Have I been entrusted on a holy mission...that of sea mammals? Has my true calling of a marine biologist been revealed to me? I dunno. Now that I think of it, I'm not all that sure the word was MARMAMN anymore. I hate how you can never remember dreams. Perhaps the true word would have given me insight into a heaven-sent vocation. Unfortunately, I fudged up the message and had to spend yet another day at the Census Bureau.

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