Sunday, May 23, 2004

The Sunday Routine

Sunday is without a doubt my laziest day of the week. I'd say that my laziness is most due to the fact that I am moping because it's Sunday, and that means tomorrow is Monday, and it's bad to be Monday, the furthest possible point from the next weekend. That even began to spill over into my Saturday nights - tomorrow is Sunday, meaning the next day is Monday, oh no! Thankfully, I've gotten away from that.

So, it's become a mission of mine to give meanings to Sunday. Well, spiritually, I guess, I should keep the Sabbath. If that means not doing work on a Sunday, I am right on track. Going to mass gives me one event in an otherwise uneventful day. Although, that event only gives me something to look forward to during the morning. Getting out at noon leaves me with an empty afternoon left to kill time with.

Sunday afternoon doesn't even work as an errand day. Everything in DC seems to be closed on Sunday with the exception of the grocery store. I've been opting to shop there instead on Saturdays. Freshness at the local Safeway is already slim pickings and often on a Sunday afternoon there's not much left.

Thankfully, TV has become the savior. Sunday night is unquestionably the best night for TV. Sunday night HBO used to make my weeks. Not getting HBO here isn't as painful either, as it seems The Sopranos and Six Feet Under have jumped the shark. There's still 60 Minutes and of course, The Simpsons, both making, as HBO coined it, Mondays that much easier.

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