- "Hey, we can re-open American tomorrow. If we do that, no other trade-offs except ten dementia-vegetables in some Kansas nursing home with contract COVID-19 and die. Do you want to open America?" Absolutely, let's do it!
- "Hey, we can re-open American tomorrow. If we do that, no other trade-offs except two of your siblings will contract COVID-19 and die. Do you want to open America?" Absolutely not!
Case #2 also has one-fifth fewer the causalities, yet but it's an obvious 'no'. I exaggerated the first case somewhat, but it'd likely the same assessment if Case #1 had ten strapping lads instead of people at the very end of life already. People far away you don't know, when it's abstract like that, the loss is less and easier to make. It's only when those closer to us are affected, even if minuscule in quantity, is felt so much more.
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