Wednesday, May 13, 2020

The End of the Beginning: Birthday #39 in Quarentine

In a different reality I would have started my 39th year in Yellowstone National Park, exploring the main geyser area, and splurging a couple of nights in the Old Faithful Inn. 

Instead, I got up to photograph the sunrise from the Harvard Bridge, I had a filling bacon & egg breakfast (and later brie and South African forelle pear lunch), started David McCullough's "The Great Bridge", played Civilization 6 (launched a joint war against Brazil), walked to the Prospect Hill Monument where George Washington first raised the flag (and I almost bought a condo, overlooking Somerville), watched real-life derangement and revenge documented in the film "Tread", stepped into The fossilized imprints of actual dinosaur footprints in Holyoke, and ate the meal of the year at Sturbridge's BT's Smokehouse.

So, I traded baby bison for baby gosslings. I visited no UNESCO site, but I checked-off a few things I'd never done before. And I had a wonderful birthday.

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