Saturday, August 11, 2007

SICK Syndrome (Stress Induced Comfort-Killing)

In college my long-time roommate remarked to me once that I don't get sick very often, but when I do, I really get sick. This is one of those times.

Since yesterday morning, I've been sick as a dog. Body aches, out of breath feelings (noone seems to understand these things when I say I feel sick...are they exclusive to me?!?), but also runny noses (my grandpa told us we're backwards 'cause our nose runs and our feet smell...). Together, it's only slightly worse than the "stress headaches" I've been experiencing...they were bad when I first went home (the night I first found out about my brother, I could feel my heartbeat throbbing my pillow), then went away but had come back towards the end of my stay in Norwalk, now only supplanted my this illness.

I don't know where it came from...maybe the two plane trips on Tuesday? I think from all the stress I've been under has decimated my immune system...this morning I joked I have developed non-HIV AIDS. Even when I used to get terribly sick, it was just these 'one day' things I'd always bounce back from after a night's sleep...what's wrong with me? Maybe I'm getting old...

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