Sunday, August 19, 2007

Uncomfortable in my own home...can I yet call it "home"?

I should be unpacking after yesterday's move, but instead I'm procrastinating online. Partly it's because I'm really sore (in the muscles) from yesterday's move, but also party it's because I feel that on some level I won't be staying long.

But that's crazy talk - I was to put as much time as possible between now and the next time I have to move an apartment (although I'll have to help the two girls who helped me yesterday - or at least offer my help - probably in March and then in May). I admit, I worried a bit too much. We finished ahead of schedule so much that I even turned my keys into the leasing office, something I hadn't planned on doing until tomorrow. Driving the truck was OK, at least I didn't break the truck or get into an accident - I can't afford someone else's medical bills. I did almost lose my own finger (twice!) unjamming the back door. It was a bit scary. We were wearing out as the day progressed, but if the move-out took three and a half hours, the move-in was done in maybe thirty minutes...then we spent then next hour and a half unpacking. Not quite done, and I don't even know where my towel is to take a shower tomorrow, but I have all of tonight.

I have all of tonight, because I don't have cable in my room and so have nothing else to do - I'm too uncomfortable still to go out into the common room and spread out. I still feel like I'm in the guest room of some stranger's house (ironically, that's exactly what I am). I still don't know protocol and don't want to come across like I'm taking over the kitchen and more specifically the refrigerator; I can tell right now I cook more than the other two combined, and I don't want to appear like I'm colonizing the food storage areas.

I'm afraid of using spreading my presence too much into common areas, or not keeping the bathroom clean enough, or being too loud, or other things that I'm sure I'll worry about in the upcoming weeks. I certainly won't be free-riding on the public good of cleanliness; the house is so clean now it's obvious who the dirty guy will be pretty soon if I let anything go. I mean, I think I'm pretty clean, but this house is like, museum-clean. Not a crumb on the floor.

I'll just need to get a bit more settled in...Well, school starts tomorrow. At least everything is the same there.

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