Thursday, July 29, 2004

Dirty pants of my dirty past

Here's the story of the most dirt I ever had inside my pants:

My Pop Warner football practice was cancelled early due to a sudden, torrential downpour.  Since it was early and a bunch of us were left waiting for our rides home, we headed over to a nearby baseball field that had since become flooded in the rain.  It was raining so hard that in parts of the field the water was actually a couple of inches deep.  The situation there soon became a group of pre-teens sliding/swimming in the mud/mini-lake.  That was my second favorite (if not first) time in a rainstorm.  We didn't want our parents to show up and take us away from the excitement.  The thunder was booming, the rain was pouring, and I guess there might have even been some lighting as we played in that slightly open-field while in a huge pool of water.  We didn't care because we were young and stupid, and also wet, muddy, and happy.

 When my dad finally did show up he almost $#%& a cupcake when we saw the two mud-covered boys he had to take home.  My brother and I were ordered straight down to the basement to take off our football gear, the easiest place to contain/deal with the mess.  From sliding around in the muddy water, our tight football pants had become full of mud (and muddy water), and as the water had evaporated we were left with just clothes full of dirt.  As we took off our padded football pants the soil came out in clumps.  It was pretty bad.  My cup had become filled with a solid ball of earth.  I was laughing the whole time.

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