The weather forecast for tomorrow gives a 90% chance of rain, so it’s going to rain all day tomorrow as I wander the streets of New York City. I have no place to go and my plan was to wander, so as I walk the streets with a poor umbrella my clothes and all my belongings will likely get soaked. Because I’m dripping wet I’ll likely make a poor first impression on people I’m trying to impress for housing.
I’ll get on the wrong train again and end up on the wrong side of Manhattan like the last trip to New York, or I’ll miscalculate the time it takes to walk to where I’m going from the train station, so I’ll end up late for my meeting with the chaplain.
His accent will be too thick for me to understand him and it will be an awkward conversation. He will finish the interview quick and I will be bored and also wet for the next three hours. If I bring a change of clothes that will also become wet. Reading books I bring to pass the time will become ruined.
The graduate housing director will be late and I’ll have nowhere to go. Her lateness will also worry me because I will be worried about going home. Throughout dinner I will checking my clock as I will be worried the whole time about getting a return train home. Dinner will be bad but I will have to choke it down to not be rude.
The house/rooms will be in poor condition or the rent will be out of my budget. The people will be weird.
I will leave the house far later than I wanted to and have to walk in the dark back to the train station. Walking through south Harlem I will get mugged in left in a gutter. If it’s still raining I won’t get mugged but I’ll get soaked again and have to ride the train home in misery. If I take the subway to the train station I will get lost and end up in the Bronx. If I take a cab it will be more expensive than I can afford.
I will mope on the ride home about living in sub-satisfactory conditions or realizing I’ll have a three-hour round trip commute every day I need to go to class and will have to suck up the lesser evil. I will get home too late for anyone to pick me up and will have to walk home from the East Norwalk train station – assuming I even get on the right line. When I get home I will see than Kobe peed on my bed and Mikey on my pillow.
I will not get the sleep I need because I got home so late. I will not have time to do the things I need to do in the morning, like collect my weather data. I will sit next to a smelly person on the plane. When I get back to my room it will be too hot and also all the posters will have fallen off the wall.
I will have forgotten something important at home in my sleepy-eyed rush to leave early Monday morning.
Finally, around Tuesday, a mango reaction-rash from mangos that were in my kitchen and whose oil may have rubbed on something I touched will appear on my hands, and every part of my body that my hands had touched.
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